When I bought this skirt from Forever 21 yesterday and started picking out outfits to go with it, I remembered how much ballerinas inspire me in my outfits. I love ballet flats, tights, tutus, legwarmers, etc. Here is my ballet outfit I created (I experimented with black and white photography) along with some ballet inspired photos.
Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts, it was because last week was finals week. Now I am happy because this week in my last week of school! So excited for this summer. We had an end of year ceremony tonight and here is the dress I wore. Thanks to my sister for doing my hair!!
Well, I am off to my dance! Thought I should take pictures and post them before I leave. Haha, I am practicing my dance moves in some of my pictures. Dress is by BCBGeneration and shoes are Steven by Steve Madden. Thanks to mom for helping me with my makeup too!