Monday, October 12, 2009

French Sailor

I rewatched Coco Chanel last night. It is such a good movie! I love this part when they take the sailor's clothes and make outfits out of them. I recreated Chanel's friend's outfit. Now if only I lived on a beach.
Along with my inspiration, I have a few of my favorite outfits from the movie.
Striped shirt: Hollister
Cardigan: Abercrombie
Skirt: mom's
Clutch: vintage
Beret: Forever 21
Shoes: Urban Outfitters


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Great recreation!

S.Elisabeth said...

I love your header, it's adorable!

And I love the outfit, very Chanel =)

Sydney said...

i love your boots and the casual chic look of you outfit :] thanks for the comment!

emily said...

great job recreating the outfit! and btw, i love your header. it's totally amazing. :)

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! YOU are solely Chanel FABULOUS!
This happens to be my FAVORITE look sooo FAR!!! I just luv,luv, luv it!!!:)

DENNI said...



street angel said...

I love this look! I loved that scene in the movie too.xoxo Ava

Unknown said...

i really like your outfit!!

AMIT said...

Beautiful outfit.

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Unknown said...

Amazing!! this blog is interesting. i like the sailor althouth there are some risk in the work. but i think it is very exciting.
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